Things I want for my birthday:

Music: CD's preferably within the following genres: Irish punk rock, jazz, blues, that weird type of music that is from August Rush where the guy pounds on guitars, chilled out music, indie stuff.
Books: Good ones...yeah thats pretty much it.

Gift cards to clothing stores: Gap, Old Navy, Urban Outfitters, or any of the hippie stores downtown (Orchid Lane, or any place the sells flowy skirts)

Tattoo: this is my stretch gift because I know that powers beyond on control (*cough*Dad*cough*) have prevented me from getting this until I am 20. This is okay and I know we have a deal and all (he isn't very strict when it comes to anything else so i don't mind waiting on this one) but hey, if he wants to move up the date I wouldn't mind!

Juno the movie: first off, I do not give a flying %$#@ if you think I am some sort of poser indie person for wanting this movie. I thought that the dialogue was amazing, I thought the comedy was dry and witty and I just think that Ellen Paige and Michael Cera are take that.

Crepes: so every year my mother asks me (usually a day or so before my birthday) what I would like for my birthday dinner. My usual answers are: her absolutely amazing flank steak or her unstoppable pesto pasta (no, WILL NOT find a better pesto sauce.) This year I am going to be a little bit different, because this year I have remembered before hand what I always say i am going to want and then forget about; my Mother's breakfast crepes. Normally this is just a Christmas thing (she makes them once a year because frankly if you use the recipe more than that everyone in the family will die of some sort of heart blockage thing) but i am hoping that I can get them for my Birthday dinner/ breakfast this year as well. :)

Thats pretty much it. Jewelry is also always a safe fall back (I like earrings.) One last item that I would like to solicit is something I am not even sure exists but it could be pretty easily found out. Gift certificates to either Splash of Color piercing and tattoo parlor in East Lansing or Lucky Monkey piercing and tattoo shop in Ace Duece, I can pretty much promise that I am not going to use these to get some sort of hidden tattoo but I might get another piercing sometime in the future in which case it would be nice to not have to pay for it all (they get pricey.) I also like the jewelry that is sold in both of these places.
Might add onto this list, and will probably post more about life later today when I am trying to procrastinate from the uber big load of homework I have to do. :)
Be Happy,
Singing Ginger
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