Monday, March 30, 2009

The Land of Could's

I feel like posting but I really have no idea what to post. I could talk about my date with floor guy (which went well but I am kind of wondering if he has a problem with physical contact because he won't hold my hand or do an arm around...or try and kiss me...maybe I should take the first step?,he should; he is a guy and there are some things guys should just do first.) I could talk about the tattoo I want to get, and will be able to get in less than two months, but won't have the money for. I could talk about how I think I am going to start selling my plasma twice a week because I need the money for Europe and my paycheck is not cutting it right now; and how I am too afraid to tell my parents because I don't think they would approve. I could talk about crew boy and how I think he is wonderfully interesting, but I am thinking not so much into me. I could talk about how I had a really good practice this morning and I think it kind of dictated the rest of the day and how I don't know if that is a bad thing or not. I could talk about how my dorm room is messy. It is really messy. I could talk about how much I miss my family, and singing on a daily basis and a bunch of other things. I could talk about all of these things...but I think I already have. Hope life is swell.

~The Singing Ginger

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