I was stumbling the other day (really cool firefox application, try it out) and I came across a blank page that had nothing but the above words on it. It made me feel happy so I figured I would pass it on to all of you lovely people. YOU...yes, you; you are wonderful, know this without a doubt.
Okay so todays little spiel is going to be about how I really just want to figure out a study abroad where I can go to Africa and help small children and live happily ever after. Anyways, I finally figured out what I am going to do about my whole problem with school and internships and the such. You see for my residential college I have to do a pre-approved internship with a group that has ties to the field I want to go into. There are a couple of ways to go about this; the first would be to go abroad and tie my study abroad with my internship and work with an international group, the second would be to do my internship domestically and then do a study abroad somewhere else. The second of these two choices will be what I am going to be doing. Now that I have freed myself up just a bit when it comes to choices of internship (to work internationally you have to prove fluency in the native language you are trying to work in...spanish 102 is not going to cut it to say the least.) So that is that.
Lastly I will leave you with this. I am going to be fine, so are you. I have begun to realize that though by nature we are all meant to live out our lives with someone that it is within the alone time we have between someones that we can find the parts of ourselves that are most important. I don't think I have been utilizing my alone time well and I am going to try and correct that soon. What will be, will be; everyone is worth their piece of existence.
Thank you for reading,
~The Singing Ginger
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