Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Earthy Rotations

I can only tell you what I know:

I know that I loved once
And the world stopped spinning
And my head was in the clouds
And all was right in the universe

Dark nights spent under starry blankets
Secrets whispered to a journal I held in my arms
The world spun for us
Only so that we could dance upon it

I know that that love did die
A somber death march it walked across the planes of my heart
A tear a million was shed
And the world stopped spinning

Two hearts once one did break together
I final unity to separate
Memories locked away to protect
The world spun too fast to catch

I know I will love again
With my head held high shall cherish with every bit of soul
The other piece of myself
My world will spin again

And life will be wonderful
And everything will come up roses

~The Singing Ginger

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