Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!
(or whatever substitute holiday and or break you tend to be enjoying right now)
Well least to say I am stuffed. I enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with my family at my Aunt and Uncles house and then continued the party into the night by hanging out with my Cousin and one of my favorite (and cute) friends of his. I slept over and then got up at 5am to shop on the infamous Black Friday with my Aunt, Mother, Sister and two other Cousins. I know pretty much everything I am going to get for Christmas this year...hehehehe.
Most importantly though I got to spend a ton of time with my family. After this break I have started to realize just how much of the stress I feel up at school can be alleviated by coming back home for a few days. I love my roommate and I love the program I am in and I love the crew team, they are all part of my family in one way or another; they all fill my days up with blood, sweat and tears (crew team) or laughter and happiness and stimulating debate (crew, friends, school), but they are no substitute for my family. With my family all of my weird corks and oddities are totally normal. My family has long ago accepted me for who I am and I no longer have to worry about losing social status, saying the wrong thing, or doing poorly in one way or another. It is the complete and total ability for me to be myself in this house and none other that makes it so relaxing to be around my family.
I think this is how people should look for a life partner. Is this a person that you can be around much in a way that you can be around your family? Is this a person who could move into your house and blend right in? Different parts of different personalities are brought out by different individuals; this is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. We spend time with the people who bring out the best in us. We talk about learning to "be ourselves," this is really a crock of shit; a "self" is composed of so many different facets and personalities that it might as well be an unexplored world all to its own. I know myself, I know how I will react to certain situations and how certain personality types will bring out opposing or agreeing personality types in me. It is in the choices that you make, in what people you choose to surround yourself with, in the activities you choose to engage in, and the lifestyle (in general) that you choose to live, that dictates whether or not you "know yourself." You know yourself but you must choose to let yourself be known by how you live your life.
May awesome turkey sandwiches, soup, stew and broth be coming your way,
~The Singing Ginger