Okay so I wrote this when I needed to give myself a little bit of motivation. I don't want people to think that this is a "look how much better I am than everyone" thing. I think everyone should have their own war cry. You can use this one if you want to, just switch some of the words around and insert your own stuff. I say this when I am hating on myself, when I am uncertain, and when I need to feel pumped about how cool I am :) This is meant to be said with much vigor/ pumped-uped-ness/ loud/ war cry esque.
I love you all
I kick ass. That’s right bitches right here I kick ass! I have done things most kids my age won’t do until they’re 40 or maybe never. I have made it through a 270 mile bike ride, I have sung at the Chicago House of Blues, I have been to Australia…twice. I have done things most people will never get the chance to. I have loved passionately, I have made beautiful music, I have lived! I have lived! That’s right bitches I kick ass. And you know what in the end I have to be happy with myself and you know what bitches? I AM! I have the best family in the world, I have the best friends a girl could ask for, I have so much love! I am an amazing person. You would be damn lucky to know me, I am friendly, I love so many people so very much, I am nice for the most part and you know what? I have my draw backs but pretty much I just rock. The people I hang with rock too, the people that I love rock as well. I rock so much that I am able to surround myself with people who rock. I don’t need a man or anyone else to tell me these things. I stand firm in my beliefs and I trust my gut and rely on my instincts. I will not be shaken! I will not be put asunder! I am woman! I am Ginger! I kick ass! Fuck anyone else who thinks otherwise! HA! Why cannot every woman and every man have this realization? Why is it that those who rock most have such insecurities? Why is it that assholes tend to have the most confidence? Why can’t the beautiful people of the world take back their confidence and tell those assholes to go shove it?!? SHOVE IT ASSHOLES! I KICK ASS! I have so much love in my heart and I am a lucky enough person to be able to express it and to share it because I have so much, I have too much love! That’s right I have so much love I have to share it or I will explode. God put me on this good earth to love and kick ass! AND THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
~The Singing Ginger
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