Sunday, April 26, 2009


I want to thank all those out there who know how to make me smile. It is you people that get me through the day when i am having a tough one. You mean the world to me and I don't know if I could go on without you. Whether or not you have figured me out well enough to do it on a regular basis, or if you just perchance got me to crack a grin once or twice; it makes things just that much easier and I love you for it. I apologize for being a bit behind in the posting, now that finals are coming around and I will find every excuse to procrastinate/ unwind chances are there will be more stuff on a daily basis.

~The Singing Ginger

P.s. And a post script for my bookworm friend, I am trying to figure who you are; can I get a hint? Though please do not tell me right off because I do love a good mystery ;)


powderizedbookworm said...

Hmmm, hard to think of good hints about myself. Heres one that should give it away if you think back to how a certain person who should have been studying spent their van ride to SIRAs, and is also a good fact about myself: I'll be there for you...cause you're there for me too. Also, my username is probably the best hint on its own. Hope this helps ;).

Scarecrowcp said...

DAVID! :D I win