Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Okay so I figured it was time to stop posting these wonderfully morbid things about my love life and move on to something more wonderfully morbid things about my health. So here we go!

About five times over the past 9 months, starting in mid october, I have had very odd periods of numbness/ tingling in my hands and feet. These weird little episodes usually last for about two days and then I wake up one morning and I am fine. The longest period that this has happened for has been two weeks (the first one in october.) So of course I wake up the morning I am coming home from our big family adventure to find that my hands have gone numb again. Let me clarify before I continue; when I say numbness what i really mean is that when I touch things it takes me longer than it should to be able to feel them. I can still feel things and I can still feel and move my hands and feet its just takes longer, and any sort of rapid movement doesn't really register. So anyway, I finally get to yesterday and decide that I should alert my parents to the fact that i am having another one of these episodes. I told them about the more severe times, and usually once this goes on for more than a day or two i tell them about it. Well of course my mother's first reaction is kind of an odd look and that i should google it. My father's first reaction is that i need to immediately call my doctor because my hands and feet are going to fall off of my body any moment. Seeing that i told my mother first i go and WebMD my symptoms. Here are the 20 possible aliments I may be suffering from:
*peripheral neuropathy
*Vitamin B12 deficiency
*Wernicke Syndrome
*Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
*Generalized Anxiety disorder
*Panic Attack
*Multiple Sclerosis
*Diabetic Neuropathy
*Median Nerve Injury
*Ulnar Nerve Injury
*Neck Spinal Stenosis
*Chemical Burn
*CREST Syndrome
*Poorly Fitting Shoes
*Neck Spondlyosis
*Cold Exposure
*Low Blood Sugar

I would like to put a big thank you out to WebMD for making this situation from odd to life threatening, while do absolutely nothing to help. This list encompasses everything from things that could be cured by a trip to the shopping mall with a relaxing massage afterward; to a fatal incurable disease. Wow...okay well I will make sure that if at all possible (because who knows maybe my hands are gonna fall off any min) that I will keep you all posted on my condition and that my next post will be at the very least funny and cynical. Wishing you the very best.

~The Singing Ginger

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