Monday, February 9, 2009

1 lb = 3ft

I need to lose some weight. I just recently signed onto my facebook and saw that I had been tagged in some pictures from a crew formal that went down this weekend. After looking at the pictures I realize that I am in serious need of weight loss. It really does crack me up because (as some of you may have read) I posted a "goodbye ode" to my pudge a couple of months ago thinking that, like most human beings, if I worked out 2 hours a day/ 6 days a week that I would lose some weight. I was wrong. Oi, okay bedtime. Love you all!

~The Singing Ginger

1 comment:

tapswitch said...

Yes we do not lose weight its counter intuitive I know. What we have to do is change diet and or lifestyle. But we do tend to look better I mean look at me sexy beast right. So yeah keep to it.