Monday, June 23, 2008

Selling My Body for $

Alrighty so here is what has been up as of late: I joined a crew team...okay well if i am being truly honest with myself it wasn't really a crew team it was more of a crew lesson. I am learning how to row. This is mostly due to the fact that, as previously stated, I am not so good with the whole stay on top of the work out thing, but this way I have to work out because i am in a class, and there are other people expecting me to be there. The end result in this particular class sign up is that I join the college club crew in the fall, and then maybe be a novice on their actual team at some point or another...and then maybe get really good...and get on a bigger team...and go to the Olympics...and win a gold medal...and get to meet the Hamm yeah relatively realistic expectation i would think. :)
The other thing i have sorta been up to would be trying to figure out ways to make more money. I currently have a job working for a movie theater, which is great and all but I have been working there for two years and have yet to get a pay raise. So aside from the money trickling in from my minimum wage grunt work I have come up with a few other possible solutions to my cash quest:
*Get another job (tried to do this and it didn't really work out because no one wants to hire me because i am leaving in the fall)
*Sell my crap on eBay (this would make sense because my Dad makes part of his living selling slightly-cooler-than-crap on eBay; but i like all my stuff so I just sorta wanna keep it and make more money so i can buy more crap to keep the old crap company)
*donate plasma
Since the first two ideas didn't really work I figure donating bodily fluids would be the next best thing. So I have decided to donate my plasma for $15.00 and hour (the lady on the phone said it would be about 1.5 hours each visit and that i would get paid about $ yeah) I have been warned that this is a bad idea and that it is going to be painful and that i should think of some better way to make money, but I think I am going to give this a shot. I will make sure to keep all you special people out there updated on my adventure.
Last but not least i am thinking of volunteering some of my time at the hospital. I figured this would be a pseudo easy process and that i would just walk in fill out some forms, maybe get my picture taken and then some one in scrubs would hand me a baby or two and I would be set. Oh no my friends, nothing in this world is that easy any more. I have to fill out a application, get references, come in for an interview, complete and background check and then sign forms that commit my time for however many months. All of this and all I really wanted to do was hold babies. I didn't think that would be too much to ask but apparently a background check is needed before parents will trust me with their newborns...okay maybe they do have a point. Hope all is well in cyber land!

~The Singing Ginger

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jane and Jimmy

So have you ever had one of those problems? I am not talking monthly problems or family problems or even cash problems; I am talking weird feeling problems. The one you aren't 100% sure is even a problem until one day it hits you that it is. I have one of those problems right now and I can't say if I know at all what I should do about it.
Hypothetical situation time!

So my out of school and free for the summer. Jane is single and has been so for the past 7 months; before that Jane was involved in a wonderful two year relationship that ended mostly for the sake of Jane going off to find herself in college and...Jimmy...who was staying to finish his last year in high school. Jane and Jimmy eventually over came their heart ache sometime over the course of the school year and were able to start communicating again. Jane got back home and met up with Jimmy a few times just to hang out (Jimmy had a new girlfriend.) One night Jimmy told Jane that he had broken up with his girlfriend, and that he was looking forward to a blissful summer of singularity. Later that night Jimmy kissed Jane and everything went up side down. Jimmy and Jane decided it would be best to remain friends because Jimmy didn't want a relationship going into his first year of college and Jane thought it might be a good idea to mull this one over a bit before rushing into what would probably become a very serious relationship...again. So now needless to say Jane is very confused and doesn't really know what to do with herself. Both have promised to be honest with each other about other people they might fooling around with, which has yet to be a problem for Jimmy because Jane never gets asked out on dates, but which is proving to be slightly more difficult for Jane. because Jimmy is a big flirt and all the girls like him. Jane is not a jealous person, and I am not just saying that on behalf of Jane because she is one of those people who would say that and then go mug some chick who looked at her man. Jane doesn't do the whole jealousy least hasn't up to this point...The hardest part of all of this is that even though both Jane and Jimmy have promised to be cool and unemotional and unattached for the sake of their hearts, it just ain't going down that way.

I love the colors of this film but damnit sometimes I just wish it was a black and white feature!

~The Singing Ginger

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

BORED! (and it's no ones fault but my own)

I need to get off the computer and go do something outside. I need to pump up my bike tires and replace the tubes and take my lovely green wonderful out for a spin. I don't need to be signing on and telling my blog all of this instead of actually doing it. :D

~The Singing Ginger