Speaking of rowing I had a 5k test this morning. I still rank top 3 for the women...but that isn't the top so I still have work to do. A good friend of mine asked why I row the other day and I finally got a chance to vocalize why I love this sport so much; it went a little something like this:

"I love rowing firstly because it is on the water and that all in of its own is calming but also because when you are on an erg or racing on the water there is only you and that one thing. There is only the next 500 or 200 or 100 meters and the only thing stopping you is yourself. Because it tears your body apart and pushes you closer to your physical boundaries than you ever thought you could go. You have no idea how far you can push your body until you have taken it over the edge, then take it back a half inch and that is where you have to go every time you race. My body is so much more rugged than I ever though it would be, and it can handle so much more stress than I thought possible. Rowing helps me realize this, it is a challenge and a constant competition and its so pure in how it goes about doing all of these things.
You are accountable for yourself and your boat and when everything comes down to the line the stronger better rowers will always win. There isn't any way a ref or a guideline or rule, or call can change that. And the lows are so low because if you did it right you can empty yourself entirely and still lose to that other, better team; but the highs...god the highs are amazing because you can't stand or breathe or see straight but through the pain, and there is SO much pain, your body is ringing knowing that it has conquered all.
And then there is the last part, the part where I don't have to think about ANYTHING when I am rowing. It is just me and the water and the boat and the screaming voice of the coxswain and I don't have to think about school or work or the loneliness or any of the other shit that clouds my mind every other second of the day. For that 2 hours all there is, is the boat and my team mates and the water. I don't have to think about anything else, and nothing else comes into my mind. And when we are doing test pieces, even though they suck, all there is to concentrate on is how you are going to get your body through the next couple of minutes without it shutting down. There is just nothingness, and I get to swim in it."
So yeah, if anyone is every wondering why the hell there are these crazy cult people that love the pain and the spandex and the early practices, try it, because everyone has a crazy cult member in them somewhere.
On a note that is a bit more applicable to the title of this blog: I am going to be auditioning for a talent show with a $1,000 cash prize. I am going to sing my heart out for this so much more than anything else because I REALLY NEED THE MONEY! It would take care of rent, and debt to my parents, and bills, and the tattoo I want to get and I could put some away to use for text books and road trips and any other crazy adventure I might find myself wanted to do on a rainy day.
Cutting an album with Erik, should be fun, I am excited.
Hope everything is coming up roses.
~The Singing Ginger